jo's coffee


Jo’s coffee shop is another one of our Sunday rituals. It’s a good place to go for coffee and pastries while they last because it’s a very popular place and most days they sell out of the muffins and pastries. A lot of people know of Jo’s Coffee for the famous green wall with the red words written in cursive “i love you so much”. Jo’s is an outdoor venue where I can pull up and order. The counter is on a bit of an incline, so wheel lock is a must before you order. Ordering takes place at the high counter - but its not problem ordering, then you pay at eye level. The pickup window is around the corner but there is a step, so you just need to go all the way around and up the ramp, past the bathrooms & then you can pick up your drinks. There are different levels to the seating, but there is a ramp and it’s all maneuverable.

They have 2 accessible parking spots at Hotel San Jose. Jo’s Coffee & Hotel San Jose share a parking lot. Sometimes there is a mule or a horse parked in the spot & you may have to ask him to move over.

The bathroom is really excellent because it is a private room with bars & you can pull up under the sink. There is another bathroom that is not accessible because of the steps in-front of the door.

The Sunday’s Sinner’s Brunch with the Jo’s house band has been my hang for close to twenty years. Jo’s is a good place to hang out even if you can’t make the specific music times. You can get a great cup of coffee and hang out and talk with your friends.

** Please note, our park job was so bad, because the person next to the accessible spot parked over the line, we could not transfer out of the car without moving the car over into the loading zone.

Jo’s Coffee
1300 South Congress Avenue 
Austin, Texas 78704
(512) 444-3800


Alana Smarrelli