continential club


Anyone visiting Austin, needs to visit the Continental Club, it is a historic venue & it’s been a rocking place for many years. The inside is all on one level and fully accessible, the entrance has double doors - so it opens wide (with no bar in the middle separating the 2 doors). In my manual chair it's sometimes hard to get over the door jam, because I have anti-tip wheels on the back of my chair that can sometimes get stuck. Once I am in, I always go right up to the stage. As you roll through the doors the stage is straight ahead and the bar is on your left there is seating on the right along the wall, opposite of the bar. The Continental Club is very popular and the only hard thing is getting through people around the bar to get upfront. People always make way and let us get through, it’s like a family atmosphere there, everyone seems to know everyone. I have been going to this club for over twenty-five years. The staff of the club are friends & they always ask if they can help with anything.

This was one of the 2 locations that held the “Stand with Russ” benefit in 2018, to help purchase a new Permobil Standing Chair.

The parking for the club is not that great, for anyone - all parking is on the street. There are accessible spots around, but South Congress is a very popular area, so you have to be determined or lucky to get a spot. Usually we take the Cap Metro Access to get dropped off and picked up. There are curb cuts right at the corner, so its a perfect drop off and pick up location.

The building is a historic building & because of that, the bathroom situation is not very good. If you have to use the bathroom while you are there, there are two solutions that I have found. You can either go to the Lucky Robot and use their bathroom or go across the road to Jo’s and use their facilities. Depending on the times you are there, because Lucky Robot might be closed. What I usually do when I’m going to The Continental Club is make sure that I go before I leave. The other part of the club that is not accessible is the back door to go out and hang in the alley, it’s up a few steps up and the solution to that is just to go out the front door and around the block to the back. The bar is accessible and the staff is going to make sure that you are taken care of and get what you need. The Continental Club has some of the best music in Austin on a nightly basis. Their residencies are incredible and world renowned talent, and some of the residencies have been going on for over 20 Years. This is definitely a spot that everyone needs to check out. It’s a historical landmark & a damn good time.

The Continental Club
1315 S Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 441-2444


Carolyn Wonderland sings, “On My Feet Again” a song she wrote for Russ after he received his standing chair from the “Stand with Russ” benefit to raise money for a new power chair that allows him to stand at concerts.

Alana Smarrelli